Wednesday 18 April 2012

How All the Information I Have Goatherd Has Helped Me Understand How Magazines Are Published.

How All the Information I Have Goatherd Has Helped Me Understand How Magazines Are Published.

All of the magazine research has help me understand more about how magazines are published and what goes in to magazine to make them appeal to a curtain target audience. By looking at the three magazines i.e: Marie Claire, Ideal Home and What's On TV it has helped me understand the different styles of magazines that people are interested in and like to read.
By looking at the three magazine target audiences you can see that they all appeal to lots of different ages this is helpful because you want to have your magazine appeal to a large range of people not just one group other wise you will not have Meany readers/ buyers interested in your magazine.

Looking at the three magazines Marie Claire, Ideal Home, What's On TV and analysing the front covers and the content it has helped me understand more about the codes and conventions that go into the magazines. Also By looking at the readership figures and how many readers the magazines have each it ruffly shows how meany people are intrested in that magazine.