Wednesday 18 April 2012

How All the Information I Have Goatherd Has Helped Me Understand How Magazines Are Published.

How All the Information I Have Goatherd Has Helped Me Understand How Magazines Are Published.

All of the magazine research has help me understand more about how magazines are published and what goes in to magazine to make them appeal to a curtain target audience. By looking at the three magazines i.e: Marie Claire, Ideal Home and What's On TV it has helped me understand the different styles of magazines that people are interested in and like to read.
By looking at the three magazine target audiences you can see that they all appeal to lots of different ages this is helpful because you want to have your magazine appeal to a large range of people not just one group other wise you will not have Meany readers/ buyers interested in your magazine.

Looking at the three magazines Marie Claire, Ideal Home, What's On TV and analysing the front covers and the content it has helped me understand more about the codes and conventions that go into the magazines. Also By looking at the readership figures and how many readers the magazines have each it ruffly shows how meany people are intrested in that magazine.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

What I Am Researching for Our Fashion Magazine

I Am Researching Three Magazines And Summarsing The Content:
  •  Vogue.
  • Elle.
  • Maire Claire.
Im Also Looking At Three Online Magazines And Summarsing The Content:
  • Vogue.
  • Elle.
  • Maire Claire.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Pros And Cons Of Primary And Secondary Research

The Pros Of Primary Research:
  • Easy to do.
  • Can do what you want i.e : surveys, phone surveys, mail surveys, face to face surveys e.t.c.
  • Quick and cheap for a small sample.
  • Can get Pacific answers that you want to know i.e: only letting the answer be yes or no.
The Cons Of Primary Research:
  • Conducting primary research can be time consuming.
  • May not get the accurate results what you want.
  • Large scale can be time consuming.
  • Can cost lots.
  • By the time the research is complete it may be out of date.
 The Pros Of Secondary Research:
  • Easy to access.
  • Quick to find.
  • Often the only resource, for example historical documents.
The Cons Of Secondary Research:
  • Might not have all of the information that you need.
  • The information that you have found my be out of date.
  • Not all of the data that you find will be correct unless you find it in an old book or it comes from the main source.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Conducting Market Research and Magazine Production

Conducting Market Research:

When conducting market research you look at Primary and Secondary research.
Primary research is when you get information that comes straight from the source i.e: from surveys or even by interviewing groups of people and asking straight forward questions. You can do the following over the phone, mail, surveys (Face to face or hand outs).
Secondary research is when you get information (Statistics) that's second hand i.e: looking at reports on the Internet or even the TV, computer, posters, phones that someone Else has already done.

Magazine Production:

Magazine Production is how magazines are published. Magazines are created by large printing presses but first you need to take the photos that you want to be in your magazine then you write the article and other thing you want in your magazine. Then all you need to do is get it published, you do this by using a printing machine which is done by inks and paints.When everything is done you then organise the pages and staple them together so then it will be in order and then your magazine is ready to publish.